Tag Archives: acrylic sheet

Why use acrylic for your project?

Crystal-clear acrylic fish tank with vibrant tropical fish and aquatic plants under LED lighting.

Acrylic Project for Aquarium & Swimming Pool Read this article to learn, why acrylic is always the best choice and why to use acrylic for your project, aquarium and swimming pool.   Why use acrylic for your project? Acrylic, The best choice. Power: It is generally believed that the strength of acrylic acid is 16-17 […]

What are the factors that affect the bonding quality of acrylic products

The factors that affect the bonding quality of acrylic products Because of the diversity of acrylic products, there is also diversity in processing. Then, bonding becomes the way that will appear in acrylic Co., Ltd. in order to ensure the quality of products, the following factors should be paid attention to when bonding.   The […]

Why do transparent swimming pools use acrylic materials?

2019 09 26 10 31 IMG 6143

Why do Transparent Swimming Pools use Acrylic Materials? This article will enable you to realize why acrylic materials are used in transparent swimming pools, read this article to learn more about why we use acrylic materials for aquarium and swimming pools projects. Acrylic plexiglass is created through the polymerization of methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA), resulting […]