What are the factors that affect the bonding quality of acrylic products

The factors that affect the bonding quality of acrylic products

Because of the diversity of acrylic products, there is also diversity in processing. Then, bonding becomes the way that will appear in acrylic Co., Ltd. in order to ensure the quality of products, the following factors should be paid attention to when bonding.

  1. The acrylic swimming pool project will leave traces that are sometimes difficult to remove when the adhesive is eroded. Here, the adhesive can be passed to protect the parts that do not need to be pasted.
  2.  Dust or bubble hole will hinder the uniform application of the adhesive and produce bubbles, which should be removed by cleaning.
  3.  The use of a small amount of adhesive will cause that the surface to be bonded cannot be completely coated slowly, or air will enter after the adhesive solidifies and shrinks, which will affect the appearance.
  4.  The direct blowing of the acrylic swimming pool project will cause the edge of the adhesive section to turn white due to the excessive volatilization of the adhesive.
  5.  Under the condition of humidity, it will have a direct impact on the bonding of acrylic swimming pool project.
  6.  Acrylic products cannot be exposed to sunlight for a long time before they are fully cured. Too prolonged exposure will cause acrylic products to turn yellow and affect the beauty of acrylic products.

In order to ensure the durability and beauty of the products, attention should be paid to factors that affect the 0mass of the acrylic products. Avoid processing as much as possible. If you have other requirements for acrylic products, such as acrylic glass, acrylic pool engineering, etc., please contact our company.