Acrylic infinity pool-acrylic glass trannsparent swimming pool

Taking a transparent swimming pool or a suspended transparent swimming pool as an example, whether it is better to use laminated tempered glass or acrylic requires a scientific analysis.

Pool designs with transparent walls are one of the hottest trends in pool design and construction right now, and our research has yielded some very exciting results. And the hardest part of this popular style is the structural difficulties and challenges that come with a project of this scale.
The transparent pool wall is characterized by being stylish, modern, not just modern, it is futuristic and it is one of the features that open up a whole new world in custom pool design.

From the perspective of safety, the transparent swimming pool must be made of thick acrylic.

First, the impact resistance of acrylic is very strong, which is 100 times that of glass and 16 times that of tempered glass, and the thickness of the acrylic sheet can be more than 600mm, and the safety factor increases exponentially. The swimming pool needs to withstand the dynamic pressure and wind pressure caused by water pressure, human flow, and waves. This pressure is dynamic and uncontrollable. As a flexible polymer material, acrylic has excellent strength, toughness, and bending fracture resistance. It is very suitable for this. complex stress environment. Tempered glass is relatively brittle, facing a complex pressure environment, coupled with a series of outdoor environments such as sunlight, climate, temperature difference, etc., the probability of nickel sulfide crystal expansion increases, which will increase the risk of self-explosion.
Second, the light transmittance of acrylic is very good. Generally, the light transmittance of glass is 82%-89%, and the best ultra-clear glass can only reach 89%. The light transmittance of acrylic is as high as 92%. Now many optical sights and high-precision optical lenses of cutting-edge weapons are made of acrylic. When acrylic is used in transparent swimming pools, aquariums, and aquariums, the transparent viewing surface has soft light transmission, and the visual effect is very gorgeous.

acrylic sheet
Third, acrylic also has good processing performance, can be machined and thermoformed, and can be seamlessly spliced ​​on-site by injecting special formula stock solution, which can meet the requirements of larger-sized transparent panels, and is not affected by transportation and space conditions. Tempered glass cannot be reprocessed, cut, or spliced. Generally, the maximum size of tempered glass from manufacturers can reach 6.8m*2.5m. Because it cannot be seamlessly spliced, it cannot meet the requirements of larger size transparent panels. Only acrylic can be realized. For example, in the infinity transparent swimming pool of Atlantis Hotel in Sanya, the 26m-long transparent viewing surface is made of two pieces of 13m-long acrylic. The joints are completely invisible, and the acrylic strength and physical properties are consistent with the original board.
Acrylic has been used in the transparent swimming pool industry for 30 years. The technology is mature and the performance is stable. Without exception, large-scale transparent swimming pool projects around the world are built with thick plate acrylic.

As for the scratch problem, acrylic is not as wear-resistant as tempered glass, so different materials should be used in the right place.
If acrylic is used to build a transparent plank road in the air, the soles of people coming and going will quickly scratch the acrylic. Therefore, it is definitely more suitable to use glass for the transparent plank road in the air. But in the swimming pool, everyone swims in swimsuits and does not bring any sharp equipment. The sharpest fingernails of the human body cannot scratch the acrylic at all.

Acrylic infinity pool

UC acrylic has the advantages of transparency, lightweight, heat resistance, impact resistance, and easy molding. Its forming methods include casting, injection molding, machining, thermoforming, etc. In particular, injection molding and mold injection molding can be mass-produced, with simple process and low cost. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of machinery, equipment, and processing technology, the quality and quantity of acrylic products have been continuously improved, and the scope of application has become increasingly extensive, especially with the advancement of science and technology.

Acrylic Fish Aquariums

Transparent pool as a structural part of the house As mentioned above, the transparent panels are made of high-quality acrylic glass. The strength and reliability of this material allow the replacement of all concrete structures with glass. Thanks to this material, the swimming pool can even be placed on the second floor of the building, and its transparent bottom can serve as a roof on the ground floor of the house.

Many times, clear pools are made in combination with other materials, not just the pure acrylic glass. To provide a personalized design, the walls and bottom of the pool can be complemented with various finishes. As for the design, the top half acts as an overflow – an aesthetic and functional solution. In general, swimming pools can be decorated with transparent acrylic elements in completely different ways. The limit is only up to the designer’s imagination.

Because glass is fragile, many people have been suspicious of using glass in pools. Today, however, there are many examples, such as thick acrylic glass or laminated safety glass, that can reliably hold thousands of liters of pool water together. Bulletproof, bulletproof glass is also used in larger pools. Today, the glass swimming pool is the highlight! You can certainly implement some designs in your own garden. Let the professionals advise you on the best advice for your home. Structural features and safety factors. The depth of the pool is one of the most important factors. Of course, the cost will be lower if the glass is used in the shallower areas of the pool. On the other hand, glass bottoms for deep pools require a higher investment; the higher the volume of water in the pool, the greater the load on the glass. This requires calculations by a qualified professional who can scale the pressure and determine the thickness of the glass sheet. The cost of building a glass pool depends to a large extent on the required size and thickness of the glass elements.

Acrylic Fish Aquariums
Building a glass pool sounds complicated, but all of these problems are minimized when you work with a well-known company with extensive experience in the field. If you want to know more information related to acrylic, please pay attention to and understand UC Acrylic Company. Our designers will calculate the pressure on the acrylic swimming pool board according to the actual situation of the project, and determine the required acrylic according to the actual situation on site. Swimming pool sheet size and thickness.
Uc Acrylic has the most advanced acrylic polymerization production technology and equipment, the strongest acrylic installation team in China, and the more mature acrylic thick plate production experience (600mm thick). The technology of seamless splicing and installation of acrylic thick plates is at the advanced level in the professional field at home and abroad.