Why Customized Acrylic Fish Tank is More and More Popular?

First, acrylic fish tanks customized for popular reasons

1, the acrylic fish tank has a relatively low rate of self-implosion

Acrylic fish tank in the production is made of high purity raw materials and does not contain a variety of impurities, thus greatly reducing the rate of self-implosion after the tempering of the acrylic fish tank.

2, the consistency of the color

Acrylic fish tank in the production, the use of more advanced chromaticity analysis instruments and analysis software, to ensure that the color of its acrylic has a certain degree of consistency.

3, high visible light transmission rate, good permeability

Our custom acrylic fish tank’s visible light transmission rate is greater than ninety percent, it has a crystal clear crystal-like quality, so the entire acrylic fish tank will be more clear, more can highlight the original appearance of the fish tank.

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Second, the purchase of acrylic fish tank considerations

1, look at the surface of the acrylic fish tank whether there are scratches and bubbles

As a result of processing and handling, some acrylic fish tank surfaces may have scratches and bubbles. For this situation, we have to carefully observe. Because if there are scratches and bubbles on the surface of the fish tank, it will not only affect the overall beauty of the fish tank but also affect the service life and safety.

Especially large acrylic fish tank, large fish tank filled with water after the water pressure is very high if there are scratches or bubbles on the surface of the fish tank, will cause the local bearing force to be weakened, and after a period of time, the fish tank may be broken.

2, we have to observe the luster and transparency of the acrylic fish tank

As acrylic material is a kind of light transmission degree is quite high material, light transmission rate reached ninety-two percent. If the processing process is a good acrylic fish tank, across the acrylic plate can clearly see the inside of the fish tank, and the fish tank surface reflection rate is low. Even if the reflection is like crystal shining like a good-looking luster.

3, after-sales service

When you choose to buy an acrylic fish tank, we also need to ask whether the business will help transport and assembly the fish tank, as well as some after-sales service, is how. Because most acrylic fish tanks are relatively large, transport and assembly will be very troublesome. And if you are not a professional, there is a possibility that the fish tank will be damaged.

After-sales service is also to buy peace of mind for yourself. Although most acrylic fish tanks work better and are strong and durable, there is after-sales service this guarantee is always good.

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Third, the acrylic fish tank beautification methods

1, the general acrylic fish tank will always arrange some small rockery or small stones, and fake coral and fake grass, we suggest that you can plant some suitable water plants so that the fish tank will be full of life.

In the arrangement of aquatic plants, we can choose the placement method from high to low, so that the whole landscape looks staggered, but remember that the aquatic plants can not be planted too much, so as not to steal oxygen from the fish and other water creatures.

2, in the fish tank, placed some small stones with water absorption function, this will help to improve the water quality in the fish tank and become clear and transparent. You can arrange the rocks in the water according to your personal preference, as long as you think it looks good, colorful rocks and water plants will make the fish tank become very vivid.

1, we can put a few snails in the freshwater tank the goldfish tank, these snails play a role is to eat the goldfish feces, can reduce the number of times the goldfish tank water changes but can keep the fish tank water quality clear, at the same time we can also plant some water plants and moss, can purify the pollutants emitted by the snails, so the whole fish tank will form a complete ecological cycle system.
