6 signs take you to identify the quality of acrylic products



1. Translucency Which directly affects the transmission performance of light-emitting light sources, determines the brightness of light-emitting acrylic products. The transmission of better-quality acrylic products is usually above 92% which is more transparent than glass. If the panel looks cloudy, Obscure, indicating that the quality of raw materials is not enough.

2. Touch experience High-quality acrylic panels should be smooth and delicate to the touch. The highest level of standard is to leave no traces of fingers, or the traces are relatively shallow.

3. Observe the panel mouth color is the edge of the board. If the raw material is high-quality acrylic board, the mouth of the panel should be transparent, and it will not change color or being yellow, otherwise it will be the secondary processing of waste products.

4. The measurement tolerance and dimensional tolerance range directly determine the quality of acrylic products. Generally, thick acrylic products have sufficient materials with good quality. Usually, the thickness specifications are set in units of 0.1mm. The deviation should be within 0.05mm. Exceeding this value indicates that the quality control is not good enough.

5. Tap and listen to the sound, keeping the same gesture strength as when we knock on the door, tap the surface of the acrylic panel lightly. If the sound is relatively crisp which means that it is made of high-quality acrylic material. On the other hand, if the sound is dull, it may be not real acrylic but PS material.

6. Finally, Check the load carrying capacity. The test standard is very simple. Apply a little force to see if the acrylic panel is deformed. If the deformation is different, it means that the product is unqualified. Within a certain range, apply pressure. The acrylic product should always be As flat as possible, no deformation will occur.